Ingeniero Industrial. Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas. Más de 30 años de experiencia como investigador y consultor de empresas. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación “Innovación, Propiedad Industrial y Política Tecnológica” de la ETSII-UPM. Más de 70 publicaciones en revistas nacionales e internacionales. Premiado con múltiples distinciones por los resultados de su actividad en el campo educativo.
Course Methodology:
La metodología Didáctica de CEPADE, es Propia y Única.
PPG: Práctica, Participativa, y Global.
Práctica: Se basa en el método del caso.
Participativa: El conocimiento de cada uno de los alumnos se contrasta con los de resto de participantes haciendo el aprendizaje colaborativo a través del Campus Virtual.
Global: Ese aprendizaje Participativo, no sólo se comparte y adquiere con alumnos de España sino también con alumnos de hasta 40 países (aproximadamente el 40% de los alumnos son internacionales).
En el Campus virtual de CEPADE un Profesor-Tutor, mantiene la documentación actualizada, resuelve las dudas, guía el aprendizaje y realiza la evaluación.
Both the whole course documentation and the monitoring of the tutorials along with the final exam will be conducted in English.
The level required is Advanced.
This web-based course will be implemented entirely via the Internet with a flexible, asynchronous schedule.
There will be weekly discussions and 3 written assignments. This course is designed to optimize discussion and community so that everyone can bootstrap on each other's knowledge, learning, and analytical abilities.
This course will centre upon regular readings and discussions of the readings, as well as discussions of assigned examples of CI.
Discussions of readings are staggered so that they occur during the week following the week the readings are assigned. This will give everyone a full week to engage with the readings and prepare to discuss them.
Documentación en Formato Digital.
Revision exercises: The revision exercises are designed to allow students to self-assess their own learning progress at the beginning of each unit.
Control Tests: A control test is designed to grade students in the middle of their learning process and can act as a guide for the final exam.
Practice tests
Non-distant final exam: The final paper lasts for one hour at the end of the term. Students are allowed to use study materials during this exam. There are two possible exams per course: in June and September and students can freely choose to take any of them. A grade of Pass is required to obtain the corresponding credits of each course.