Curso de English No Limits: Básic

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Curso de English No Limits: Básic

  • Objetivos del curso English Basic Block 1 In this level the student will learn the personal pronouns, how to conjugate the present simple, the alphabet, how to ask questions and give information, to talk about daily routines, how to order food or buy clothes, and so on. --TRANSLATED-- En este nivel el alumno aprenderá los pronombres personales, como conjugar el presente simple, el alfabeto, cómo hacer preguntas y dar información, hablar sobre rutinas diarias, como pedir comida o comprar ropa, etc.
  • Contenido Este curso de English No Limits: Básic se imparte a distancia.

    Greetings Part1 Functions
    : Meeting people. Greeting. Asking Names. Grammar: Subject Pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet. Vocabulary: Greetings.

    Greetings Part 2 Functions: Meeting people. Greeting. Asking Names. Grammar: Subject Pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet. Vocabulary: Greetings.

    Greetings Part 3 Functions: Meeting people. Greeting. Asking Names. Grammar: Subject Pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet. Vocabulary: Greetings.

    Happy birthday! Part 1 Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10. Calculating. Grammar: Verb To Be (short form) Vocabulary: Numbers. Age. Introductions: This is ...

    Happy birthday! Part 2 Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10. Calculating. Grammar: Verb To Be (short form) Vocabulary: Numbers. Age. Introductions: This is ...

    Happy birthday! Part 3 Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10. Calculating. Grammar: Verb To Be (short form) Vocabulary: Numbers. Age. Introductions: This is ...

    Meeting new people Part 1 Functions: Asking about nationalities. Giving personal information. Grammar: Verb To Be. Article: a / an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet review. Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Adjectives. Surname.

    Meeting new people Part 2 Functions: Asking about nationalities. Giving personal information. Grammar: Verb To Be. Article: a / an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet review. Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Adjectives. Surname.

    Meeting new people Part 3 Functions: Asking about nationalities. Giving personal information. Grammar: Verb To Be. Article: a / an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet review. Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Adjectives. Surname.

    In the party Part 1 Functions: Asking and giving personal information. Talking about people. Grammar: Verb To Be: negative form. Verb To Be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demonstratives: this / these. Vocabulary: Jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities

    In the party Part 2 Functions: Asking and giving personal information. Talking about people. Grammar: Verb To Be: negative form. Verb To Be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demonstratives: this / these. Vocabulary: Jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities

    In the party Part 3 Functions: Asking and giving personal information. Talking about people. Grammar: Verb To Be: negative form. Verb To Be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demonstratives: this / these. Vocabulary: Jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities

    Talking about themselves Part 1 Functions: Talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Vocabulary: Verbs related to habitual actions. Numbers from 13 to 30.

    Talking about themselves Part 2 Functions: Talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Vocabulary: Verbs related to habitual actions. Numbers from 13 to 30.

    Talking about themselves Part 3 Functions: Talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Vocabulary: Verbs related to habitual actions. Numbers from 13 to 30.

    Day-to-day of a Mayor Part 1 Functions: Talking about daily routine. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with "let's". Frequency adverbs: usually, sometimes. Articles: a / an / the / -. Word order. Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to time: noon, midnight, later, etc. More verbs.

    Day-to-day of a Mayor Part 2 Functions: Talking about daily routine. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with "let's". Frequency adverbs: usually, sometimes. Articles: a / an / the / -. Word order. Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to time: noon, midnight, later, etc. More verbs.

    Day-to-day of a Mayor Part 3 Functions: Talking about daily routine. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with "let's". Frequency adverbs: usually, sometimes. Articles: a / an / the / -. Word order. Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to time: noon, midnight, later, etc. More verbs.

    A table for two, please! Part 1 Functions: Talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: Present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: Food. Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.

    A table for two, please! Part 2 Functions: Talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: Present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: Food. Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.

    A table for two, please! Part 3 Functions: Talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: Present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: Food. Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.

    The typical English housewife Part 1 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

    The typical English housewife Part 2 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

    English Basic Block 2 In this level the student will learn some modal verbs, for example can, the frequency advers, the prepositions of place, how to conjugate the verb to have, how to give commands and instructions, and so on. Regarding vocabulary, he will learn the colours in English, the parts of the body, the names of the clothes, or words related to the family. --TRANSLATED-- En este nivel el alumno aprenderá algunos verbos modales, por ejemplo can, los adverbios de frecuencia, las preposiciones de lugar, cómo conjugar el verbo tener, cómo dar órdenes y instrucciones, etc. En lo referente al vocabulario, aprenderá los colores en inglés, las partes del cuerpo, los nombres de la ropa, o bien palabras relacionadas con la familia.

    Having a crash Part 1 Functions: Telephone conversations. Expressing ability. Asking for permission. Expressing possibility. Expressing prohibition. Grammar: Modal verb "Can". Vocabulary: Colours. Clothes. More verbs.

    Having a crash Part 2 Functions: Telephone conversations. Expressing ability. Asking for permission. Expressing possibility. Expressing prohibition. Grammar: Modal verb "Can". Vocabulary: Colours. Clothes. More verbs.

    Having a crash Part 3 Functions: Telephone conversations. Expressing ability. Asking for permission. Expressing possibility. Expressing prohibition. Grammar: Modal verb "Can". Vocabulary: Colours. Clothes. More verbs.

    At the police station Part 1 Functions: Describing people. Asking to describe people. Grammar: Adjectives: characteristics and position in the sentence. Vocabulary: Parts of the body. Review of colours and age. More adjectives.

    At the police station Part 2 Functions: Describing people. Asking to describe people. Grammar: Adjectives: characteristics and position in the sentence. Vocabulary: Parts of the body. Review of colours and age. More adjectives.

    At the police station Part 3 Functions: Describing people. Asking to describe people. Grammar: Adjectives: characteristics and position in the sentence. Vocabulary: Parts of the body. Review of colours and age. More adjectives.

    The fifth anual race Part 1 Functions: Giving commands and instructions. Giving directions. Grammar: Imperative affirmative. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Places of interest: bank, square, etc. Verbs of movement: go, turn, go past, etc.

    The fifth anual race Part 2 Functions: Giving commands and instructions. Giving directions. Grammar: Imperative affirmative. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Places of interest: bank, square, etc. Verbs of movement: go, turn, go past, etc.

    The fifth anual race Part 3 Functions: Giving commands and instructions. Giving directions. Grammar: Imperative affirmative. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Places of interest: bank, square, etc. Verbs of movement: go, turn, go past, etc.

    At the airport: looking for Megan Part 1 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

    At the airport: looking for Megan Part 2 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

    English Basic Block 3 Block 3 is for those people who want to learn more complex verb tenses in English, such as the past, or else the present continuous, comparing it with the present simple. They will also learn to make comparisons between things and places. Regarding vocabulary, they will learn how to say the parts of the house in English, the months of the year, the clothes, the ordinal numbers, and also how to write dates in English. --TRANSLATED-- El bloque 3 es para aquellos que quieran aprender tiempos verbales más complejos en inglés, como el pasado, o bien el presente continuo, comparándolo con el presente simple. También aprenderán a hacer comparaciones entre cosas y lugares. En lo que se refiere al vocabulario, aprenderán a decir las partes de la casa en inglés, los meses del año, la ropa, los números ordinales, y también cómo escribir fechas en inglés.

    What a mess!! There was a party Part 1 Functions: Personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asking for quantities. Grammar: Verb To Be in the past. There was/ there were. How much/ how many. Vocabulary: Parts of the house. Furniture. Months.

    What a mess!! There was a party Part 2 Functions: Personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asking for quantities. Grammar: Verb To Be in the past. There was/ there were. How much/ how many. Vocabulary: Parts of the house. Furniture. Months.

    What a mess!! There was a party Part 3 Functions: Personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asking for quantities. Grammar: Verb To Be in the past. There was/ there were. How much/ how many. Vocabulary: Parts of the house. Furniture. Months.

    Shopping clothes Part 1 Functions: Talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: Simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: More clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.

    Shopping clothes Part 2 Functions: Talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: Simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: More clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.

    Shopping clothes Part 3 Functions: Talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: Simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: More clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.

    Going back to England Part 1 Functions: Expressing actions happening at the moment. Grammar: Present continuous. Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Some / any. Vocabulary: Have + shower, dinner, etc. Activities.

    Going back to England Part 2 Functions: Expressing actions happening at the moment. Grammar: Present continuous. Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Some / any. Vocabulary: Have + shower, dinner, etc. Activities.

    Going back to England Part 3 Functions: Expressing actions happening at the moment. Grammar: Present continuous. Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Some / any. Vocabulary: Have + shower, dinner, etc. Activities.

    At the fair. The fortune teller Part 1 Functions: Expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: Dates. Get + married, dressed, etc. Vocabulary review.

    At the fair. The fortune teller Part 2 Functions: Expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: Dates. Get + married, dressed, etc. Vocabulary review.

    At the fair. The fortune teller Part 3 Functions: Expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: Dates. Get + married, dressed, etc. Vocabulary review.

    Returning to Work Part 1 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

    Returning to Work Part 2 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.



    Con materiales didácticos que incorporan textos, imágenes, sonidos y animaciones, permiten activar o estimular simultáneamente los sentidos del estudiante, aumentando la retención de los conocimientos aprendidos. No son tutoriales.


    Son cursos interactivos al 100%. En el curso se dispone de una simulación perfecta al programa real de que se trata el curso.

    Con una teoría sencilla se aprende gracias a las simulaciones, mediante el uso de nuestra metodología "leer poco" y "practicar lo aprendido", además de preguntas durante el curso, tests auto evaluativos y ejercicio práctico (simulado) al finalizar cada lección.

    Se utiliza una metodología basada en el mínimo esfuerzo en lectura y el máximo en practicar lo aprendido de forma creciente, utilizando conceptos vistos con anterioridad.

    Cada lección contiene:

    # Conceptos teóricos: explicaciones breves.
    # Conceptos prácticos: Prácticas simuladas de cada explicación.

    Cada lección dispone de la opción:

    # Repaso, una vez finalizada.
    # Test en cada lección, (se incorpora el test de nivel de aprendizaje)
    # Ejercicio práctico simulado
    # Manual (en pantalla), ejercicios (a realizar en la aplicación real) con su respectiva solución.
    # La voz y el texto se puede ejecutar o no, a elección del usuario/alumno
    # Ejecución en ventana a tamaño variable
    # Glosario de términos integrado


    Los cursos cuentan con una cantidad de Horas de Teoría (explicaciones multimedia). Por otro lado, también debemos considerar la cantidad de Horas de Práctica, que son aquellas que se estima que demorarán los alumnos en resolver los trabajos prácticos.
    Este curso cuenta con: Teoráa: 53 Horas Práctica: 26 Horas Total: 79 Horas
    El alumno tendrá acceso a los contenidos por un plazo de 100 días.

    Para poder realizar el curso debe:

    # Poseer Internet Explorer 5.1 o superior
    # Tener habilitado controles ActiveX
    # Disponer de parlantes


    Para realizar estos cursos, es requisito que el equipo desde el cual se realice el mismo disponga de conexión a Internet. Esta conexión se utiliza para brindar permisos de acceso a cada usuario como así también para actualizar las estadísticas de avance del curso.

    En caso de que no se disponga de conexión a Internet, no se podrá realizar el curso.

    Se presentan dos opciones de acuerdo con la velocidad de conexión a Internet de que se dispone:

    A. Cursos On. Line (Requiere conexión Banda Ancha)

    A través de un usuario y contraseña podrá acceder a un campus virtual en la web.

    En el Campus Virtual usted podrá ceder a los contenidos de los cursos que haya contratado, como así también a las ejercitaciones y estadásticas de avance del curso.

    Los contendidos multimedia (explicaciones, simulaciones y prácticas) se descargan de internet en el momento de acceder a los mismos.

    B. Cursos en CD (Conveniente para conexiones tipo Dial Up)

    Por cada curso que contrate el alumno, se le enviará un CD. A través del mismo el alumno podrá acceder a los contenidos del curso.

    El alumno solo necesita de la conexión a Internet al principio y al final de cada lección. De esta manera se habilita el acceso a los contenidos incluidos en el CD y se actualizan las estadísticas de acceso y avance del curso.

    Tanto los contenidos como las lecciones del curso son exactamente iguales para el formato Online y el formato en CD.


    Para acceder a la demo deberá completar el formulario de contacto


    Al inscribirse en un curso, se le asignará automáticamente un profesor que se encargará de su seguimiento y de despejar cualquier duda o inquietud que tenga a lo largo del curso.


    Como alumno usted accederá a un entorno de formación (Aula virtual) en el que dispone de distintas herramientas de ayuda y evaluación de su progreso. Allá podrá iniciar la ejecución de las distintas unidades o lecciones en las que se dividen los cursos en los que se ha inscripto.

    A los cursos se puede acceder durante las 24 horas.

    Los cursos son multimedia y cuentan con una parte teórica en la que se explica el uso del programa a través de simulaciones multimedia con audio y video.

    Una vez realizada la parte teórica, los alumnos deberán realizar actividades trabajos prácticos y responder de cuestionarios de evaluación.


    Aquellos alumnos que finalicen el curso habiendo aprobado los tests correspondientes, podrán imprimise un certificado vía web.

    En el caso de que el alumno lo desee, puede además solicitar el envío por correo del certificado impreso en cartulina.


    El costo del curso completo es de $ 1.219(*) (para residentes de la Argentina) o u$s 440(*) para residentes del exterior.

    Formas de pago:

    # Pago Fácil (Argentina).
    # Rapipago (Argentina).
    # BaproPagos (Argentina).
    # Tarjeta de Crédito hasta 12 pagos con Visa - Naranja - Mastercard - American Express
    # Western Union.
    # Paypal (Pagos internacionales).

    (*) El presente costo incluye:
    - Acceso al campus al curso por 100 días.
    - Utilización de la tutoría durante el período del curso.
    - Acceso a los trabajos prácticos con sus respectivas soluciones.
    - Acceso a las Evaluaciones.
    - Acceso al manual en pantalla (no imprimible).
    - Derecho a la impresión del certificado On Line una vez finalizado el curso

    Consulte adicionales para:
    - Recibir por correo el CD para acceder a los contenidos con conexiones Dial UP.
    - Recibir por correo los manuales impresos con el contenido del curso.
    - Recibir por correo los certificados impresos.

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