Curso de "New Strategies in Social Media and Community Management"

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Curso de "New Strategies in Social Media and Community Management"

  • Contenido New Strategies in Social Media and Community Management

    Código CEPADE: CMA
    Código UPM: CF.05.0515.209
    Curso 2015-2016


    Learn just everything about online monitoring, what´s being said regarding your brand, product an business in the Internet, to forsee the most relevant trends and to be able to build and sustain virtual communities. It´s about doing business nowadays, not only going online.

    Training scope.

    Every single communication expert and marketeer must consider online strategies not only as a marketing resource or important tool, but as a crucial medium, and possible, a target market itself.

    All brands are already playing, and branding and marketing actions are based upon their updated online reputation, on trying to effectively aim target users. Beyond this, they are willing to build that virtual community that will be helping to forward their key messages, and converting users into actual brand ambassadors.

    We offer here a full community management vision not stopping just at the daily functions that online community workers carry out.

    With a fully practical approach, this course is presenting the basic and more advanced concepts, together with the strategic tooling and success examples.

    Marketeers cannot longer keep their eyes and ears closed to this new reality!!!

    Who should attend?

    Marketing and communication students and professionals.

    Previous knowledge: Although it is not necessary to have previous knowledge, it is highly recommended that students have a certain online activity and are useful some knowledge of online marketing.

    Learning Outcomes:

    Participant will be able to:

    - Learn in deep the community manager skills within businesses and public institutions.
    - To get familiar and have under control the most useful monitoring, brand reputation, and online communication tools.
    - To acquire both strategic and operational vision and ability to make the right decisions regarding community management tasks.
    - To train and develop a completely differential focus when designing and implementing marketing and communication plans.
    - To be in the most perfect conditions to work as community managers, whatever the business approach could be.

    Course contents:

    1. Communication key concepts.
    2. What´s Community Management about?.
    3. Online reputation.
    4. Online monitoring practices.
    5. Online targeting; target users, opinion leaders and strategic collborators.
    6. Online Social Sites.
    7. Positioning strategies.
    8. Blogging strategies.
    9. Social Media strategies.
    10. How to make virtual communities really dynamic.
    11. Online general plan.
    12. Success examples in community management.

    Academic Calendar:

    Quarterly course that is taught from March to June (during the Segundo Cuatrimestre).

    University credits:

    This course is worth 3 credits.

    Lecturer/Assistant Professor:


    Licenciado en sociología Industrial y Sociología del Consumo (UCM). Diplomado en Dirección de producciones audiovisules. Postgraduado en Marketing y Gestión Comercial (ESIC). Master en Dirección General de Empresas (MBA Internacional)(ESDEN). Master en Marketing y Comunicación Multimedia (IEDE). Experiencia internacional de mas de 15 años en foros académicos en areas de Marketing, Comunicación, Branding, Comercial, Estrategía e Internet en versiones presenciales, semipresenciales, formación in-company, multimedia y online. Colaboraciones editoriales y artículos en publicaciones impresas y online. Autor de libros de Marketing "marketing sin bla, bla, bla" (6 volumenes). Autor y adminsitrador de blog y del grupo en facebook BrandFaith.

    Coordinator Professor UPM:


    Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicacion. Profesor Titular de Organización de Empresas de la E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

    Course Methodology:

    La metodología Didáctica de CEPADE, es Propia y Única. PPG: Práctica, Participativa, y Global.

    Práctica: Se basa en el método del caso.
    Participativa: El conocimiento de cada uno de los alumnos se contrasta con los de resto de participantes haciendo el aprendizaje colaborativo a través del Campus Virtual.
    Global: Ese aprendizaje Participativo, no sólo se comparte y adquiere con alumnos de España sino también con alumnos de hasta 40 países (aproximadamente el 40% de los alumnos son internacionales).

    En el Campus virtual de CEPADE un Profesor-Tutor, mantiene la documentación actualizada, resuelve las dudas, guía el aprendizaje y realiza la evaluación.

    Both the whole course documentation and the monitoring of the tutorials along with the final exam will be conducted in English. The level required is Advanced.

    - On-line discussion and debate: Participants will discuss and debate on-line a case that will be used throughout the program. This will clearly establish the need for a a complete marketing tool kit.

    - Individual Study: The text book and first hand experiences will be used to present marketing tools and methodologies that address the issues from the case and identified by program participants.

    - Practice: Practice with tools and methodologies, applying them to the case and presenting their application for debate and discussion will build confidence and know-how of each participant.


    Documentación en Formato Digital.


    Revision exercises: The revision exercises are designed to allow students to self-assess their own learning progress at the beginning of each unit.

    Control Tests: A control test is designed to grade students in the middle of their learning process and can act as a guide for the final exam.

    Practice tests:

    Non-distant final exam. The final paper lasts for one hour at the end of the term. Students are allowed to use study materials during this exam. There are two possible exams per course. A grade of Pass is required to obtain the corresponding credits of each course.

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