E-mail English

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Analisis de educaedu

Ignacio Gallego

E-mail English

  • Modalidad de impartición El Curso de E-mail English se da en forma presencial
  • Valoración del programa En el Curso de E-mail English se verán distintos aspectos de la redacción de cartas en dicho idioma. Se verán distinto tipos de cartas: formal o informal. El uso adecuado de abreviaciones u omisiones de palabras en la escritura de correos electrónicos. Además se tomará en cuenta los inicios y los cierres de las carta, como informar noticias, arreglo de citas, negociación de proyectos, discusión de términos, solicitud de pagos, descripción de negocios, quejas y disculpas, entre otros temas.
  • Dirigido a El presente curso se dirige al público en general.
  • Empleabilidad Lo aprendido en este curso puede ser empleado para cuestiones laborales, académicas y personales.
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E-mail English

  • Objetivos del curso Práctica en la escritura de e-mails, memos, cartas y faxes.
  • Contenido Modulos generales:

    1. Formal or Informal. Write two emails on a similar topic, the first formal/neutral and the second informal.

    2. Missing words and abbreviationsWrite an informal email to a friend, missing out words that are not necessary, as in the unit in Email English.

    3. Key phrases. Write an email using key phrases from the unit in Email English.

    4. Opening and closing. Write middle paragraphs for two emails, using the beginnings + endings from the unit in Email English.

    5. Giving news. Write an email to a colleague or friend giving some recent news .

    6. Information, action, help. Write two emails: the first asking for information; the second asking for action.

    7. Internal messages. Write an 'internal message' email.

    8. Attachments. Write three very short emails referring to attachments.

    9. Arranging a meeting. Write two emails: the first trying to arrange a meeting; the second responding to somebody else who is trying to meet with you.

    10. Invitations and directions. Write three emails: the first inviting somebody to a meeting or event; the second and third responding to somebody else who is inviting you.

    11. Negotiating a project. Write two emails: the first to a freelancer/small company asking them to work with you on a particular job; the second a reply to a partner about a different job, in which you take the role of a freelancer/small company yourself.

    12.Checking understanding. Write two emails: the first one vague and not very clear; the second one responding to an email that you receive that is also not very clear. 1

    13. Verb forms. Write two emails, each one will use a different variety of verb forms .

    14. Comparisons. Write an email where you compare different places, things and companies.

    16. Common mistakes. Look at the text from three emails that contain words which can often be confused.

    18. A customer-supplier sequence. To exchange a series of emails with a partner. You will supply them with a product/service. They will also supply you with a (completely different) product/service.

    19. Inquiries and orders. Write an enquiry about some products/services you are interested in.

    20. Discussing and agreeing terms. Write two emails: the first in the role of a customer asking for better terms, the second in the role of the supplier agreeing to the terms.

    21. Asking for payment. Write a series of increasingly strong reminders to a company that owes you money.

    22. Describing Business Trends. Write an email to a colleague or business contact describing some business trends.

    23. Cause, effect, contrast. Write an email to a colleague or business contact describing the cause and effect of some changes in your business.

    24. Complaints. Write a 'complaints' email.

    25. Apologies. Write an 'apology' email.

    26. Report Structure and key phrases. Write a short report as an email.

    27. Linking words and relative clauses. Write a short report as an email, using linking words and relative clauses from the unit in Email English.

    28. Being direct and brief. Rewrite an email so that it is direct and brief.

    29. Being indirect and polite. Write a polite/indirect email.

    30. Being friendly Write an email to a friend, using words and phrases from the unit in Email English to make it sound friendly.

    31. Advice and suggestions Write two emails: the first asking a friend or colleague for advice, the second giving advice or making suggestions.

    32. Job application Write an email applying for a job.
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Otra formación relacionada con inglés

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