Master in Food Design Project Experience

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Analisis de educaedu

Agustin González

Master in Food Design Project Experience

  • Modalidad de impartición El modo de enseñanza es presencial.
  • Número de horas El tiempo de duración es de 7 meses.
  • Titulación oficial Se entrega un título al alumno que complete el máster.
  • Valoración del programa En el Máster en Food Design se prepara al alumno en el área de alimentos, con conocimientos relacionados con la producción, conservación, distribución, promoción y habilidades en materia de mercadotecnia y gestión de los productos. Se forman en cuanto a la organización de un producto alimentario, con aspectos centrales con la oferta, el consumo, aprovechamiento y mercado de los alimentos.
  • Dirigido a Está pensado para graduados de áreas como el diseño industrial, arquitectura, administración de empresas. A quienes trabajen como gerentes de empresas, responsables del producto, responsables de la promoción y los centros de venta, así como también responsables de la organización de eventos.
  • Empleabilidad Podrá trabajar en empresas de organización de eventos y de catering. En el área de producción, ventas y comercialización de empresas tales como Quickfood, Molinos Río de la Plata y Arcor S.A.I.C.

Master in Food Design Project Experience

  • Contenido Master in Food Design Project Experience .

    Master - Rome

    • Start dat: January 2018
    • Duration: 6 months
    • Attendance: Full-time
    • Language: English

    The Master in Food Design Project Experience trains designers carrying critical skills to develop a constant inclination to innovation. Food Designers gain the necessary flexibility to deal with different fields - where they can apply their design ability - paying a special attention the users participation in defining needs and expectations.

    Professional opportunities – graduates can start a path in all the fields connected to production, communication and fruition of food. Thanks to the acquired critical competences they can face managerial and cultural field activities.

    Target .

    the Master is addressed to BA graduates in architecture, design, visual communication, nutritional sciences and related fields.

    Methodology and structure .

    The didactic path involves students in a practical R&D activity including project simulations in collaboration with institutions and private companies. The course perfectly fits market requirements, training professionals  who design and realise innovation. Food is no longer just a primary need, but a sensorial experience that must be faced from the use of raw materials to the definition of consumption models.

    Due to the constant development of competitiveness and company strategic needs contemporary Designers are demanded to interact with marketing experts, engineers, corporate image consultants, graphics and interior designers.

    The Master provides transversal competences, connected to the analysis and interpretation of consumers’ needs and behaviors, creation of scenarios connected to new products, presentation and communication of a project, underlying the success factors.

    Besides theory there are 4 design areas related to: packaging design, place design, food design and  communication.

    There is also a moment dedicated to the implementation of social network activities with relevant communities.

    Subjects .

    History of Food

    The course focuses on “kitchen invention” and its oral and written transmission. Through the analysis of different cultures, the goal is to stimulate personal deepenings. Themes are production local - in relation to weather and crops - and  raw materials transformation both in artisanal and industrial fields. Scientific and sociological considerations.

    Food: Production and Consumption

    Core feature is the development of a design methodology to get a proper food typology, appropriate to contemporary living. The course provides different competences, according to the different features of the product, enhancing students design potential.

    Communication and Sharing of Competences

    The course analyses the most effective techniques to properly develop the product image, interpreting the contemporary issues of communication. The module includes tasting analysis of products and experiences connected to food, information on food&wine journalism, main marketing levers, also in relation to packaging design and design of consumption spaces.

    Rising Technologies

    Expressive potential of materials: handling the range of materials according to the storytelling necessity of a product / Ecological and social sustainability of a project / Web and smart society: analysis of smart cities and their influence on the relation between city and people to find the trends connected to food experience / Sharing as instrument: analysis of cases related to sharing economy.

    Design Fundamentals

    Design shapes and spaces: elements for a convenient and functional design, able to meet design needs connected to food / Theory and technique of representation: the tools for a project enhancement within a path of shared design / Contemporary sociology and language, elements to interpret the changing behaviors in relation to different cultures.

    Design Management: Marketing and Sociology of Consumptions

    The course provides the competences to promote and manage cultural and design activities, with reference to the specific features of creative industry. Starting from the analysis of strategic and operational marketing tools, up to the definition of a new competitive framework / Analysis of the enterprise system model, evaluating marketing mix strategies, interaction culture, communicative features, symbolic features of product-brand combination.

    Ws: Designing Food

    The course deals with food design. Starting from the analysis of user needs and the evolution of social behaviors, there are defined those product characteristics finalised to define a practical answer to consumption and production. A meeting with Chef Arcangelo Dandini on Rinascimental and contemporary Roman food is included too.

    Ws: Designing Consumption Places

    Analysis of architectural and communicative features of those spaces dedicated to food consumption. Definition of the rising behaviors related to feeding. The research covers the analysis of both national and international realities and involves these format related to direct food consumption or its purchase in stores.

    Ws: Designing Integrated Communication

    Wine&food communication is made of tools and rules constantly changing according to the different dynamics of food societies. The course deals with communication from product packaging to POP, analyzing the ways and techniques to communicate through both traditional and digital media.

    Nerina Di Nunzio - Course coordinator .

    Expert in digital communication and marketing, she worked in the telecommunication, finance and training fields. She specialized in the subjects concerning food and wine. She was Marketing Manager of Gambero Rosso, a famous food publishing house, and she founded the consulting company Food Confidential. She teaches and organizes courses linked to the postgraduate training. She published a book for Coldiretti concerning the direct sale of organic products in Italy.

    Structures and Facilities

    From classrooms dedicated to academic lessons, to communal spaces at disposition of the student, and relying on skilled personnel, IED built structures and facilities aimed at transforming “know” into “know how to do”.


    All the activities held in classrooms are planned to translate theory into experience, for this reason every classroom is provided with educational and research tools: computers with Mac OS X and Windows, projectors, sound stystems.

    Communal spaces.

    In order to complete the educational experience in classrooms and let the ones who want to live an individual training in the location, IED offers students communal areas dedicated to studying and free-time. All the communal spaces are covered by WI-FI networks.

    Consultation rooms.

    Books, newspapers, magazines and audiovisual materials are available and can be consulted or borrowed by the students, in support of schooling and researching. The equipment of consultation rooms at IED is constantly updated, thanks to a dedicated staff.

Otra formación relacionada con branding - marketing de producto

  • Máster en Branding y Comunicación Visual

  • Centro: IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Madrid
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  • Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Comunicación, Marketing y Publicidad

  • Centro: IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Madrid
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  • Máster en Dirección Creativa para Espacios Comerciales

  • Centro: IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Madrid
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  • Máster en Dirección Estratégica y Creativa de Comunicación de Marca

  • Centro: IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Barcelona
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  • Postgrado en Diseño y Gestión de Eventos

  • Centro: IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Barcelona
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  • Diploma de Tres Años en Future Advertising

  • Centro: IED Istituto Europeo di Design - sede Barcelona
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  • Especialización en Comercialización

  • Centro: Universidad Nacional de Rosario
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