Modalidad de imparticiónLa impartición del programa es presencial.
Número de horasLa duración del curso es de 100 horas.
Titulación oficialSe obtiene un certificado expedido por el IED.
Valoración del programaCon la evolución de los medios digitales, la comunicación de los emprendimientos se ha modificado drásticamente, tornando hacia las redes sociales como principal medio de interacción con los clientes. Es por esto que el IED propone el curso de verano de Community Manager, para brindarle al estudiante las herramientas de este nuevo oficio tan demandado.
El Community Manager es el portavoz de la marca en internet, por lo que requiere de habilidades comunicativas amplias y un conocimiento profundo del mercado que adquirirá en esta cursada, conociendo las distintas herramientas de las que debe disponer para ejercer su rol de manera eficaz y creativa.
Precio del cursoComunicarse con el centro educativo.
Dirigido aEl curso está abierto a cualquier persona interesada en la comunicación a través de los medios digitales.
EmpleabilidadAl finalizar el programa, el estudiante podrá desempeñarse profesionalmente en el puesto de Community Manager en diversos tipos de empresa, proyectos, organizaciones e instituciones.
• to acquire a deep understanding of the work carried out by a Community Manager.
• To learn to develop a social media strategy for any brand or institution.
• To learn to use the necessary tools to build a brand message in social networks and to monitor existing mentions and conversations.
• To delve into existing channels and to learn about regulations and professional deontology.
Work opportunities:
It is worth highlighting these professional activities, among others:
• Community Manager at a communications agency
• Community Manager at a company
• Freelance Community Manager
Social networks have turned into the place where brands interact with their target customers and represent a great opportunity to participate in the client’s life. Companies have therefore assimilated social media in their global communication strategy.
A Community Manager is the spokesperson of a brand for the internet, and should be an experienced communication expert capable of building contents, dealing with communities. He should be proficient in social media and skilled at monitoring web reactions, through specific tools that allows him to examine information that he can pass on to Communication and Marketing managers.
Programme: the Web 2.0 and social networks. How to design a social media strategy. Monitoring: analytics tools and reports. Social networks: Tuenti, Twitter, LinkedIn. User-generated content platforms: YouTube, Flickr. Corporate blogs. Brand content-generating, storytelling. SEO and SEM. Geolocation and mobility. Online reputation. How to measure ROI and ROR. Final project.
The didactic methodology developed throughout the course is mainly based on:
1. Lectures by important professionals working in the field.
2. Case studies.
3. Practical activities.
4. Final presentation of projects, overseen by a professional jury.
Otra formación relacionada con ciencias gastronómicas